



1.Full rate registration fee (physical presence):

   •750 € (Before June 30th, 2024)
   •850 € (After June 30th, 2024)
    Full rate registration fee includes: Participation in all conference activities between 25-28 August 2024, access to all virtual pre-recorded    presentations, publication of one paper in the CET volume or the PRES’24 proceedings, coffee and lunch breaks, awards event on August 28th, 2024.

2.Student rate registration fee (physical presence):

   •650 € (Before June 30th, 2024)
   •750 € (After June 30th, 2024)
   Student rate registration fee includes: Participation in all conference activities between 25-28 August 2024, access to all virtual pre-recorded    presentations, publication of one paper in the CET volume or the PRES’24 proceedings, coffee and lunch breaks, awards event on August 28th, 2024.

3.On-line participation fee:

   •On-line full rate participation fee: 500 €
   •On-line student rate participation fee: 400 €
   On-line participation fee includes: Access to all virtual pre-recorded presentations in the PRES’24 Conference, publication of one paper in the CET    volume or the PRES’24 proceedings.

4.Extra CET publication fee:

   •270 € for per extra CET paper.

5.Accompanying person:

   •300 € for per accompanying person (includes coffee and lunch breaks, awards event (dinner) on August 28th)

6.A full or student rate registration fee must be paid for each paper presented at the conference (on-site or on-line) by June 30th (for CET paper) or by    July 15th (for PRES’24 proceedings paper)

7.Prices are inclusive of all legal taxes.


Conference refund policy:

   A registrant may request a full refund in writing minus a two percent service fee, up to 30 business days before the start of the event. If the event is within 30 business days, registrants are not eligible for a refund, but are able to transfer their registration to another person at the same organization. If you have any questions about event refunds or payment, please send an email to pres24@mail.xjtu.edu.cn





Online payment:











Bank transfer:
COMPANY NAME: Xi'an Sunian Trading Co. , Ltd.
COMPANY ADD: Room 036, Building A, No. 12 Weiyang Road, Lianhu District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China
BANK ADD: Block 5, Taihua Jinmao International,No.16 Fenghui South Road,High-tech Industries Development Zone,Xi'an,Shaan'xi,China






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